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Digital Engineering

Digital engineering is more than just BIM

With digital engineering we create a vision for a targeted development of our relevant business domains and future business areas which enable us to better meet the needs and wishes of our clients.

Discover the future of civil engineering with our approach for digital engineering. We are convinced that BIM alone is not sufficient to fully utilize the potentials of digital technologies. Our holistic approach integrates innovative methods like the creation of digital twins, software development or automation. Experience how we lift your project to the next step and set new standards in terms of efficiency, quality and sustainability with digital engineering.

Sujet DE DAY

Under the motto “Just Do It Digital” the Digital Engineering Day of FCP.VCE takes place on 7 April 2025 in Wien Museum.

Register right here on our event page: JustDoItDigital2025 | FCP.VCE

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a method of optimized planning, execution and management of buildings, infrastructure systems and other projects. BIM tries to link the heterogeneous and increasingly complex amounts of data of all involved disciplines in such a way that a consistent database retrievable anytime and providing quickly and globally all information is created.

The development of digital workflows, software development, automation or digital building operation are some examples for requirements with regard to digitization in construction engineering beyond BIM. Thus, we succeed in optimal integration of the rapid digital development into our work processes and have developed new digital services in the field of construction engineering for and with our clients.

We find solutions

In fragmented construction engineering where there is still strong silo mentality there is often a lack of the necessary expertise and overview to develop digital solutions, which also create comprehensive added value and therefore enable stronger connection and more efficient cooperation of the different fragments of our sector.

We have a wide range of services in all fields of construction engineering and therefore often see the hidden added values, which can be used by means of stronger digital cooperation beyond the common interfaces.

If we develop a digitization strategy together with you, the three essential aspects human-being, process and tools are put into the focus to be able to ensure successful practical implementation.

Service spectrum of digital services

We subdivide our services into two primary categories:

Development of digital solutions

  • Automated processes which transform data and make them comprehensively useful (e.g.: Pixel2Pset)
  • Web-based model viewer (e.g.: Forge-Viewer)
  • Research of AI-supported asset management (e.g.: submit FFG BrAIN project proposal)
  • Tools for optimized working methods in several software solutions (e.g.: automation in Bentley, programming of own Revit tools)

Consulting on digitization (and BIM)

  • Digitization strategies for clients, executing companies and design partners
  • Development of digital workflows / use cases (BIM and beyond)
  • Implementation of BIM (pilot) projects and BIM strategies
  • Optimization of digital interfaces between design and operation of construction projects