VCE Innovation Award for excellence research in sustainable construction.
The VCE Innovation Prize is awarded every two years to students at for outstanding research achievements in the field of sustainable construction. This prize shall be awarded for achievements in engineering and innovative technical contributions in the form of diploma theses, dissertations or habilitation treatises.
"We want to honour and higlight the outstanding achievements of young engineers."

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AWARD WINNERS since 2014
AWARDED every two years
JURY from BOKU, TU Graz and VCE
Work not older than 24 MONTHS
Tender 2025
The call for proposals is addressed to selected technical faculties and departments at Austrian universities. In principle, diploma and doctoral theses in all fields of civil engineering are eligible for this prize, but particularly in the following area:
- Sustainable and durable construction
- Circular construction
- Structural health monitoring
- Digitalization in construction
- Life-cycle management of structures
Diploma theses, dissertations and habilitation treatises shall not be older than 24 months.
In total a maximum sum of € 5,000.— shall be distributed.
This selection committee consists of representatives of the following institutions:
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- Technical University Graz
- VCE Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH
Applications should be sent to Ms Evelin Kamper, evelin.kamper@boku.ac.at, by 31 December 2024 at the latest. The application must include
- Summary of the submitted work (1-2 pages)
- Complete version of the thesis in digital form
- Expert opinion on dissertations/habilitation or evaluation of Master's thesis
- Curriculum vitae
- Proof of relevant academic qualifications (e.g. list of publications)
VCE Award Winner

Dr. Andreas Stollwitzer
Developing an Approach for the Mathematical Calculation of the Damping Value of Railway Bridges with Ballasted Track, Vienna University of Technology
Thomas Glanzer-Unterscheider, MSc
Load Redistributions in Frame Bridges, Graz Technical University
DI Florian Brosch
Numerical Modeling of Hardened Concrete Based on Experimental Investigations and Exemplary Application on a Carbon-reinforced Concrete Beam, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna

DI Tobias Schröckmayr
Plastisches Rotations- und Umlagerungsvermögen von Rahmen im Vergleich zu Durchlaufträgern (Plastic rotation capacity and moment redistribution of frames in comparison to continuous beams), TU Graz
DI Nadine Stoiber
Numerische, experimentelle & umweltrelevante Untersuchungen an karbonbewehrten, ultrahochfesten Betonträgern mit integrierten Stahlimplantaten (Numerical, experimental & environmentally relevant investigations of carbon reinforced ultra-high performance concrete beams with integrated steel implants), TU Wien
Dr. Tobias Huber
Beurteilung der Querkrafttragfähigkeit bestehender Stahlbetonplattenbrücken mit Aufbiegung (Assessment of the shear resistance of existing reinforced bridges with bent-up bars), TU Wien

Dr.nat.techn. Ivan Zambon MSc
Condition prediction models for the performance assessment and management of existing concrete bridges, BOKU
DI Stephan Fasching BSc
Querkrafttragfähigkeit von Stahlbetonbauteilen mit aufgebogenen Längsstäben, TU Wien
DI Benjamin Fenz BSc & DI Sebastian Maier BSc
Integral Bridges with Arch Action, TU Wien
DI Christoph Matzenberger BSc
Prognose von Degradationsprozessen an Stahlbetonbrücken, BOKU

Dr. Regina della Pietra
Integralisierung von Bestandsbrücken (Integralization of existing bridges), Graz Technical University
Dr. Andreas Pürgstaller
Seismic performance of post-installed fasteners in concrete with supplement damping device at Structure-Fastener-Non-structural-(SFN)-level, BOKU