North Sea, Germany
Installation of a permanent monitoring system on an offshore converter platform.

In the project DolWin5 TenneT realizes an offshore network connection system with an output of 900 Megawatt in maximum voltage direct current transmission method.
The three-phase current produced by the wind parks at sea is converted into direct current on the corresponding offshore platform DolWin epsilon and transported in southern direction to Hamswehrum near the Ems River in East Frisia via a 100 km long sea cable.
Currently the DolWin epsilon platform is built in Singapore to be subsequently transported to the North Sea.
The platform DolWin epsilon is equipped with a permanent measurement system for structural health monitoring for its service life by VCE.
Services of VCE:
- Conceptual and detailed design of the monitoring system
- Installation of the measurement system in Singapore
- Software for the operation of the measurement system, for data analysis and visualization
- Transport monitoring of the platform
- Permanent monitoring of the platform
- Modelling of the platform and sensitivity analysis
- Data analysis and reports on platform behaviour